March 1, 2024
Does it matter what I write in this first post? No. Are people going to see it? Very few. Have I rewritten it an unreasonable number of times already? Of course.
I guess this blog is my note in a bottle, and I’m throwing it out to sea. Virtually no-one is going to read this, so I’m not particularly concerned with the size of my audience. Writing is also not my craft, so my purpose isn’t to dazzle with my “apparent literary prowess”.
More than anything, this blog is a practice in creativity. There are little thoughts in my brain that swim around all day, and sometimes they get excited about getting out of my head and coming into the physical world. More often than not, those same thoughts get tired of treading water, and float away into oblivion.
So this blog is a realized thought. Something written from my brain and put out into the world. Here’s hoping there will be plenty more. Bigger, better, and more beautiful.
So help me if the only footprint I leave is a carbon one.